Have fun,
be safe.

Your guide to Ski Lift Safety

A Great Day at the Snow Resort

Whether you're a skier or a snowboarder, Ontario offers many great destinations to get your fix.  This site is dedicated to helping you stay safe while having fun this winter.

fast fact tag
  • Prior to operation in Ontario, all chairlifts, bar lifts and rope tows require: a valid TSSA licence for each device; and an inspection by TSSA
  • Skiing was originally a form of transportation in the mountains of Europe, well before it became a sport.
  • While chair lifts are very safe, user behaviour is the leading cause of the small number of accidents that happen

Your Trip

A little planning can go a long way to ensure you make the most of your trip to the ski hill.  Review these tips to help maximize your fun and safety while at the snow resort.


Ski Lift Campaign Image

The vast majority of people injured in Ski Lift accidents are a direct result of unsafe user behaviour.

Share the responsibility.